guri - перевод на португальский
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guri - перевод на португальский


guri m      
браз ребёнок; мальчик;
hora do guri радиопередача для детей
meninazinha (f), garotinha (f) ; gúria (f) (Bras.)
hora do guri      
"Детский час" (радиопередача для детей в Бразилии)


m. Bras. do S.
O mesmo que criança.
Bras. do Rio.
Bagre pequeno.
(T. tupi)



Guri é uma cidade da província de Gyeonggi, Coreia do Sul. Localiza-se imediatamente a oeste de Seul, no coração da capital metropolitana.

Примеры употребления для guri
1. Yehoshua and Aharon Appelfeld, Haim Guri, Zruya Shalev and Gavriela Avigdor–Rotem.
2. The signatories included Lova Eliav, Haim Guri, Haim Hefer, Aharon Megged, Meir Pail, Yoram Kaniuk, Dani Karavan, Yigal Tumarkin, and Generals Avraham Eden, Elad Peled, Yeshayahu Gavish, and many others.
3. The number is higher than ever before in modern times, says Guri Vestad at the section for foreign students at the University of Oslo (UiO). UiO has registered 703 new students from abroad this fall, against 537 last year.
4. Nor can one ignore that in the fire of combat, the experience of comradeship is seared into the soul, turning the sentimental attitude toward war among its participants into ambivalence, as Haim Guri said in his eulogy for S.
5. He is the son of Moshe Weinberg, the Israeli wrestling referrer and former champion who died in the massacre when Guri was just 1 month old.) The hit team finds that the more they stay on the hunt, the more likely they too will become the hunted.